Germany got it right

2010. november 25. 15:53

They know how to goose an economy, those Germans. Ours, by contrast, seems more and more a turkey.

2010. november 25. 15:53

„Germans have something to honk about. Germany's economy is the strongest in the world. Its trade balance - the value of its exports over its imports - is second only to China's, which is all the more remarkable since Germany is home to just 82 million people. Its 7.5 percent unemployment rate - two percentage points below ours - is lower than at any time since right after reunification. Growth is robust, and real wages are rising. It's quite a turnabout for an economy that American and British bankers and economists derided for years as the sick man of Europe. German banks, they insisted, were too cautious and locally focused, while the German economy needed to slim down its manufacturing sector and beef up finance.

Wisely, the Germans declined the advice. Manufacturing still accounts for nearly a quarter of the German economy; it is just 11 percent of the British and U.S. economies (one reason the United States and Britain are struggling to boost their exports). Nor have German firms been slashing wages and off-shoring - the American way of keeping competitive - to maintain profits.

One key to Germany's miracle is the mittelstand, as the family-owned small and mid-size manufacturing firms that dominate the economy are known. Last week, I visited AWS Achslagerwerk, a factory of one such firm, in the farmlands of Saxony-Anhalt, about two hours west of Berlin. As in many such companies, this factory turns out specialized products: axle-box housings for Chinese and German high-speed trains, machine tools requiring climate-controlled precision measurement. With annual revenue of 24 million euros, the factory has won a significant share of the world market, though it employs only 175 production workers.”

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2010. november 25. 19:18
Germany... :) What an incredible country, really... In the XX. century, after having been bombed into the ground, they rebuilt in 10 years and became a leading power in 20 years. Today, again 20 years after assimilating the second largest country of the former soviet block with all its problems, poverty and conflicts, they stand up as the only healthy economy in the west. They were the only ones to understand that the so-called post-fordian model is a huge lie. It's a false richness that is financed by the poverty of the third world. I doubt anyone has thought about what would happen if China suddenly raised the price for human work. Not to the western level, only to, say, something that isn't an insult to humanity. The entire west would collapse, of course. Here everyone is a banker, a manager, or a consultant. Nobody actually works anymore. But not in Germany... They know that manufacturing is not something to be ashamed of. It's the most worthy work of all.
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