
Békemenet after: közönségtalálkozó Bayer Zsolttal, Mráz Ágoston Sámuellel és Horváth Józseffel szombaton 18 órától

Nations in Transit

2012. november 14. 13:47

If you haven’t read Ambassador György Szapáry’s open letter to David Kramer, president of Freedom House, I would strongly recommend it. While we would prefer to focus on the positive things happening in Hungary, we also feel it’s important to respond to criticism, particularly when it’s biased, misleading or inaccurate. And there’s been a lot of that.

2012. november 14. 13:47
Ferenc Kumin

"Ambassador Szapáry’s letter offers an excellent example of a positive, point-by-point response to the misleading information that’s out there and the way prestigious organizations like Freedom House have become susceptible to biased, politically motivated sources.

The ambassador begins by tipping his hat to Freedom House’s significant contribution to the “cause of freedom around the world” and “tireless work in promoting human rights.” All true. In fact, Freedom House played an important role in calling the world’s attention to the events of October 1956 in Hungary and its associates helped deliver humanitarian aid in the early days following the uprising.

Yet, the Nations in Transit study exhibits a strong bias in its assessment of Hungary, full of, as the ambassador points out, 'subjective judgments as well as factually wrong statements.'"

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2012. december 20. 03:01
Mr. Szapáry's staff is paid for writing such letter, sadly. Other embassies do diplomatic services instead. Nice pay off for Lex Szapary.
2012. december 01. 17:12
kumin, as as the archetype of the carrierist wannabe conservative brownnoser is incapable of proving the non-existent good will and even less existent proffessionalism of the fidesz government. this, and other articles (lacking any substantial data, as these would contradict the official fairytale) are not that much meant to convince foreign readers, their purpose is much rather to simply prove the loyality of kumin to his bosses, who grant him a really nice living - one, that he would not be able to achieve out in the wild and cold plains of non-government founded private business
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